As trusted advisors, accountants are often the first professionals business owners turn to when considering the sale of their business. In New Zealand’s mid-market M&A landscape, your expertise as an accountant is essential. By partnering with a boutique investment bank like Three Sixty Capital Partners, you can provide clients with the high-level guidance required for complex business transactions.

Here’s how you can support your clients throughout the M&A journey, alongside the specialised services offered by business brokers and M&A advisors.

Financial Due Diligence: Ensuring the Numbers Add Up

Financial due diligence is one of the most critical aspects of any M&A transaction. As an accountant, you are in a key position to help ensure a business’s financial records are accurate, consistent, and prepared for scrutiny by potential buyers.

Key areas include:

  • Reviewing financial statements: Ensuring accuracy and identifying potential issues early.
  • Tax compliance: Confirming that the business is up to date with tax obligations to prevent complications during the sale process.
  • Assessing financial health: Highlighting profitability, cash flow, and working capital, which are critical factors for potential buyers.

Your ability to present a transparent and well-organized financial profile is crucial for attracting serious interest in **mid-market business sales**. This level of diligence sets the foundation for a smooth transaction, a process that specialized **business brokers** and M&A advisors can help manage.

Preparing the Business for Sale

In the mid-market space, selling a business requires careful planning and strategic foresight. As an accountant, you play a vital role in helping your client prepare their business for sale in a way that attracts the right type of buyer. Here’s how you can assist:

  • Cleaning up financials: Ensuring clear separation of business and personal expenses to make financials transparent for buyers.
  • Developing financial forecasts: Buyers are interested in future growth potential, and accurate projections are key to maximizing the business’s valuation.
  • Tax planning: Optimizing the client’s tax strategy to minimize liabilities and maximize net proceeds from the sale.

Working closely with M&A specialists or business brokers in New Zealand who focus on mid-market transactions can ensure that your client’s business is positioned to attract high-value buyers.

Valuation and Deal Structuring: Bringing Clarity to Complexity

Determining the value of a business and structuring a deal that meets the client’s objectives is one of the most complex parts of the M&A process. As an accountant, you are uniquely positioned to offer clear insights into how valuations are calculated and how different deal structures impact the final outcome. Here’s where your expertise adds value:

  • Explaining valuation methods: Valuations based on EBITDA multiples or revenue metrics can vary widely by industry, and your guidance is crucial in helping clients understand these figures.
  • Supporting market appraisals: A market appraisal provides practical pricing guidance based on current market trends, offering a more accurate reflection of what buyers are willing to pay. This can differ from formal valuations that business owners may expect.
  • Advising on deal structures: Mid-market transactions often involve more sophisticated structures, such as earn-outs, deferred settlements, or equity retention. Your input helps clients evaluate these options and make decisions that balance risk and reward.

By simplifying these concepts, you enable your client to make informed decisions about their business sale. Working alongside M&A advisors or experienced business brokers, your role becomes pivotal in navigating the deal’s complexity.

Maintaining Confidentiality and Guiding Timing

Confidentiality is often a top priority for business owners when selling their business, particularly in mid-market transactions where the stakes are high. The involvement of a boutique investment bank like Three Sixty Capital Partners ensures that the process remains discreet, and sensitive information is shared only with qualified, vetted buyers.

Timing is another important factor in M&A transactions. While some business owners may attempt to time the market, your advice as an accountant should focus on helping them prepare their business to be in the best financial condition possible. Strong financials often outweigh perfect market timing, making preparation key to a successful sale.

Being a Trusted Advisor Beyond the Numbers

As an accountant, your relationship with your client goes beyond managing their finances—you are their trusted advisor throughout key business decisions. In the case of a business sale, your expertise extends into M&A strategy, particularly in collaboration with mid-market business brokers or M&A specialists. Here’s how you can add more value:

  • Offering M&A-specific advice: Partnering with a boutique investment bank like Three Sixty Capital Partners ensures that your client receives specialized guidance throughout the sale process, from due diligence to final negotiations.
  • Managing buyer relationships: Clear communication is essential in M&A, and as their accountant, you can help manage these interactions and ensure the sale progresses smoothly. This is especially true when working with experienced business brokers who handle the intricacies of buyer-seller relationships.

Your ability to support your client through every step of the sale process—from preparing the financials to managing complex negotiations—ensures they are well-positioned for success in selling their business.

Accountants play a pivotal role in M&A transactions, particularly in the mid-market where careful preparation, detailed financial review, and strategic advice are key to success. By collaborating with a boutique investment bank or experienced business brokers specializing in mid-market transactions, you can ensure that your clients receive the tailored advice they need. From conducting due diligence to navigating sophisticated deal structures, your role is crucial in helping your client achieve the best outcome when selling their business.

Contact us to learn more about our tailored approach to M&A transactions in New Zealand.