China’s trillion-dollar plan for world domination
As Donald Trump whips the world into a frenzy with his tweets, China is plotting a trillion- dollar global trade revamp which could change everything. It's being dubbed the "New Silk Road" which could redefine [...]
NZ Talent – Educate for the Future
New Zealand currently has one of the highest levels of unfilled job vacancies in its history, particularly in fields of technology, science, design and innovation. As companies, we recognise that we need to respond to [...]
Marshall channels power of SMEs
DENHAM - SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 The innovation debate in Australia is too focused on startups and tech companies and needs to be more inclusive of the broader SME sector, according to CSIRO chief executive Larry [...]
Tidal wave of small businesses set to exit in next 10 years
Small Businesses Over the next 10 to 12 years, about 90,000 business owners - 20 per cent of all New Zealand small businesses - are likely to retire or sell their companies. Research commissioned by [...]
America has become so anti-innovation – it’s economic suicide
The fall of Juicero isn’t just entertaining tech industry stupidity – it’s the sign of a country refusing to break new ground Juicero tickled social media’s insatiable schadenfreude for rich people getting swindled – [...]
In search of reliable workers, factory hires robots
6 Aug, 2017 The workers of the first shift had just finished their morning cigarettes and settled into place when one last car pulled into the factory parking lot, driving past an American flag and [...]